Do You Mind A Challenge?


The other day I was in the workshop talking to some of the team when Ollie, who is one of the smallest of us, approached a large duffle bag of kit that an owner had dropped in and Zac, without real thought or hesitation said “I bet a fiver you can’t fit in that Ollie”. 

For a moment or two we all looked at the bag, Ollie included, and sized it up. I wasn’t sure if Ollie could fit but my inner-child thought he should at least give it a go. Then, just as suddenly as our focus had turned on this stupid random challenge, something broke the spell; maybe one of the dogs ran past, or the door to the varnish room swung open and Tom stepped out into the workshop, whatever it was, Ollie declared that if the bag was a tiny bit bigger he’d have a go and Zac shrugged like, either way, it didn’t matter to him. 

A problem Shared

If you come to me with a problem I am going to try and fix it. It’s what I do. I do it at work and I do it at home and I’m told it’s an annoying quality because sometimes people just need to moan and vent, to let all their angst out. I’ve been told that sometimes I just need to listen so that’s what I’ve been practising and it’s been an interesting year.

Active Listening in the Workplace - Odgers Interim

I’ve listened to the holiday cottage company owners who have moaned that they are not taking the same quantity of booking as in previous years. I’ve listened to the seal trip owners who complain that this season is quiet, with hardly anyone around. I’ve agreed with the owner of a pub chain that running a business is hard and it’s difficult to make money when everything costs so much and the margins are tight. I’ve even nodded along as the property developers and estate agents have worried that the rising interest rates and impending world war are making their jobs really tough right now.

And I did try and keep quiet, to not say a word but I’m a chatter and it felt like they were coming to me with a problem…

So, what did I say?

12 Christmas Gift Ideas

My last post had many of you reaching for the tissues so I thought to balance it out I’d write a post that might have you reaching for your credit card instead!

It is after all, that time of year where it’s all spend, spend, spend. I blame the three wise men and especially the one who rocked up with the gold. He set the bar pretty high for the rest of us and while we might not be presenting our seasonal gifts to the saviour of man-kind, most of us do want to buy a thoughtful Christmas present for the sailors/crew in our life which is why I’ve compiled a gift guide below. I hope it helps.

My Boatswain

Everyone has them; years or prolonged periods in which life just gets a bit bumpy and you have to hang onto your seat and smile with the hope that everything will settle soon. I’ve just been through one of those. I had a good selection of family, medical and business drama to deal with and so while I had loads to write about, none of it was particularly inspiring and uplifting, and some of it was deeply personal, so I wrote nothing at all. For ages. But here I am, with a spare five minutes and the urge to share….. so here goes….

What S.U.P

It was my birthday a couple of weeks ago and I was imagining myself as my friend Victoria who is impossibly cool, especially when it comes to anything to do with the water. She’s at one with any kind of H2O and anything that floats on it. So, being confused and thinking ‘that’s me too,’ I bought myself a stand-up paddleboard (S.U.P) and presented it to Neil as my gift. Neil was pleased with himself (me) as he’d fancied getting one and his generous gift meant he could try it out too. I was pleased because I could picture myself walking down to the quay at Blakeney with my board and catching those early morning tides. What fun I’d have.


This time of year is always tricky. Its heart-attack season. The season in which Neil tries to co-ordinate getting all of the boats onto the water before he has a heart attack. It’s also a tricky time to write a blog as nothing much has happened from which to draw inspiration and, believe me, I’ve tried to find inspiration.

The Greatest Show

I, like half the nation, recently went to see The Greatest Showman at the cinema. And like half the nation, I loved it. I loved it so much I made Neil and our children go and see it too. I had to accompany them because

a) I really wanted to

b) I wanted to see their faces as they watched it and

c) I could feel the beginnings of a crush forming for Hugh Jackman.

If you know me you might not understand my crushes but you will know that I can get infatuated. I will have enthused repeatedly about the object of my fascination for you to have worked out these crushes are not born out of any romantic feelings but by awe and admiration for their creative talent and resilience. I’m always floored when someone shows a level of dedication to their craft or role that borders on insanity.

Sometimes Life Is Better By Book

I bet you’ve all moved house at least once in your life so you will have some idea of what a huge undertaking moving the boat yard was. In fact, many of you came to the boat yard, looked around and shook your head whilst muttering “I wouldn’t fancy moving this lot. How on Earth are you going to do it?”

Happy Holidays At Blakeney Quay

I was talking to an ex-boat owner who, over the years, has become a friend and kind of business mentor, and he referred to Neil and I as entrepreneurs. I laughed at this. Entrepreneurs are either rich or on The Dragons Den, trying to get rich, that’s not Neil and me. However, he was serious and said that he had been asked to give a talk on what it meant to be an entrepreneur. Him being one, it took three things, he said

Obsession; for the dream or idea you have.
Madness; because why would anyone give up the safety and security that a regular job offered to take the leap.
Courage; because while you feel the obsession and embrace the madness you will have to have the courage to ignore those that tell you can’t and shouldn’t.

The Trick

Dear M,

Thanks for your email about my last blog post – ‘A flappy sail’.

The question you have asked is a common one. Essentially it is, how can I get my wife to sail with me, and to enjoy it?